Biomedcode was founded in 2006 as a spin-off company of the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming”. Our Arthritis models (Tg197 and Tg5453) were instrumental in providing the in vivo proof of concept on the pathogenic role of TNF in the development of chronic polyarthritis and the therapeutic value of anti-huTNF antibodies.


We offer specialized preclinical testing using unique humanized transgenic mouse models mimicking human diseases
Human Diseases:
Acute inflammation / Rheumatoid Arthitis / Spondyloarthropathy / Intestinal Inflamation / Psoriasis / Multiple Sclerosis / Osteoporosis
Our Services:
Preclinical screening and efficacy evaluation / Sample collection for PK/PD analysis / Cellular and molecular assays / Method development
We offer Preclinical Services Customized to your Needs. Our extended portfolio of unique mouse disease models, together with our long-lasting expertise in preclinical testing, our standardized procedures as well as the customer oriented scientific consultation and services we provide, constitute our unmatched competitive advantage.
Our resources include a team of highly educated and experienced scientists and technicians that operate in our SPF research animal facility and state-of-the-art laboratory. Our lead in the field of Preclinical Testing is also supported by our highly active Research & Development program that aims at the development and characterization of novel humanized animal disease models. Our preclinical services combine high-end research with cutting edge technologies.