Collagen antibody-induced arthritis (CAIA) is a simple mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis that can be used to address questions relating to the pathogenic mechanisms of the disease and serves as a platform for the evaluation of candidate therapeutic agents.

Biomedcode has standardized the model in

  1. C57BL/6 wild type mice,
  2. Mice humanized for hTNFR1
  3. Tg1278TNFKO human TNF transgenic mice
  4. Mice humanized for both TNF and TNFR1

and developed platforms to allow the evaluation of different arthritis therapeutics.

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The Tg197 mouse model was successfully used in establishing the therapeutic efficacy of Remicade®, the first anti-TNF therapeutic to be successfully applied in the clinic, and is recommended by the FDA for screening potential anti-rheumatoid candidate drugs.

Tg197 is a transgenic mouse overexpressing human TNF resulting in the spontaneous development of arthritis whose pathology closely resembles human rheumatoid arthritis. The mice develop arthritis with 100% penetrance and provide a fast in-vivo model for evaluating human therapeutics targeting rheumatoid arthritis.

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